Code for JUE paper Agglomeration Economies and the Built Environment: Evidence from Specialized Buildings and Anchor Tenants

Published: 26 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2ddr8wbnpb.1
, Stuart Rosenthal,


Program code for this paper is posted here. We are not able to share or post the data used for the paper because of its proprietary nature.


Steps to reproduce

The code posted here was used to clean and organize data used in the paper: "Agglomeration Economies and the Built Environment: Evidence from Specialized Buildings and Anchor Tenants." Programs posted here also estimate summary measures and regressions in the paper. The paper appears in the Journal of Urban Economics. We are not able to share or post our data because it is proprietary. Please reference the paper if you use code from this paper.


Cornell University, Syracuse University, University of Toronto


