Concordance Rates among Dermatopathologists and Mohs Micrographic Surgeons in Frozen Section Mohs Slides

Published: 11 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2f4tjnckgv.1
, Marina Ibraheim,


This data is part of a systemic review of the literature to assess concordance between Mohs surgeons and dermatopathologists for frozen sections obtained during the Mohs procedure. Nine retrospective studies interpreting 11,920 slides were included; nearly all studies took place in an academic setting with Mohs fellowship-trained surgeons and fellows. Tumors included were basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, and melanoma. Of the 11,920 slides included, 37 discordant slides were reported. Nearly half of these cases involved Mohs surgery diagnosing tumor present, where dermatopathology reported this as tumor free. The discordant reads may have occurred due to the Mohs surgeons misidentifying a thick cut as tumor positive or misidentifying inflammation as tumor. Overall, this systematic literature review reveals a high concordance rate between Mohs surgeons and dermatopathologists, particularly amongst fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons at academic institutions.



Dermatopathology, Mohs Surgery
