Cerebral Malaria data

Published: 23 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2fc53mk7yd.1
Yuichi Takata,


We collected data from children living in Malawi with motor dysfunction from Octo-ber 2, 2017 to November 15, 2017, using questionnaires and physical examinations. These data included diagnosis, birth history, medical history, and history of malaria based on interviews and patients’ personal medical records. The patients’ families provided consent to participate in this research. After exclusions were applied, the remaining patients (33, or 27%) were diagnosed with cerebral malaria. We report the patients’ type of paralysis, muscle tone, age of malaria infection, and Gross Motor Functional Classification Score. This dataset reports basic data on the physical func-tion of the underreported pediatric population with cerebral malaria. In the future, it will be useful for comparative studies with other children with cerebral malaria to improve rehabilitation interventions.



Data Acquisition
