Data from: Contributions of hypolithic communities to surface soil organic carbon across a hyperarid-to-arid climate gradient
Published: 20 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2g77wfr4rs.1
, Brittney Monus, Elise Nghalipo, Vimbai Marufu, Ferran Garcia-PichelDescription
Data accompany the publication "Contributions of hypolithic communities to surface soil organic carbon across a hyperarid-to-arid climate gradient", published in Geoderma. These data include line-point intercept data of percentage cover of different land cover classes and characteristics (dimensions, mass) of three different clast types (colonized quartz, uncolonized quartz, and non-quartz). Data on soil organic carbon of different cover types are also included.
Steps to reproduce
Methods are detailed in the methods section of the accompanying paper.
Arizona State University, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Changes in Precipitation, Dryland Soil, Soil Organic Carbon
National Science Foundation