Dataset - Probability of suspension for nonuniform sediment

Published: 30 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2gfrt2k7cp.1
Lixia Sun


The probability of suspension for nonuniform sediment is an important parameter in mechanics of sediment transport, which is often used in the governing equations and boundary conditions of mathematical models. There were few theoretical research and experimental data on suspension probability, especially for nonuniform sediment. We investigates suspension probability for nonuniform sediment in turbulent flow. From the dynamic viewpoint, probability for sediment suspension was considered as one that the instantaneous lift force at the bottom is greater than the effective gravity of particles. Similarly, probability for sediment suspension is defined as one that the instantaneous upward velocity is greater than the settling velocity of particles. Assuming that the instantaneous longitudinal and vertical velocities near the bottom obey normal distribution, two probability expressions for any kth fraction of nonuniform suspended sediment are derived. An experimental method for the probabilities of sediment motion is proposed and used to flume experiments with uniform and nonuniform sediment. Then the formulas for probability of sediment suspension are obtained with coefficients determined by the experimental data on uniform suspended load. The calculated values from both proposed formulas agree well with the experimental data on nonuniform suspended load, showing high accuracy of the formulas. The datasets of suspension probability experiments for uniform and nonuniform sediment are uploaded as follows.



Zhejiang University


Hydraulic Engineering
