Extinction of austral diatoms in response to large-scale climate dynamics in Antarctica
This dataset is associated with the publication of Pinseel et al. "Extinction of austral diatoms in response to large-scale climate dynamics Antarctica". This dataset contains the following items arranged in different folders: 1. LM MICROGRAPHS & REFERENCES: this folder contains light microscopy micrographs of the lacustrine Miocene Continental Antarctic diatom flora described by Pinseel et al. For each taxon identified in the Miocene samples, at least one light microscopy micrograph is included. In addition, a reference list of literature used to identify the Miocene diatoms has also been included. 2. MIOCENE DIATOM DATABASE: this folder contains the original counts (relative abundances) of the lacustrine Miocene Continental Antarctic diatom flora, on both species and genus level. Two additional files in this folder give an overview of the full Miocene dataset, on both species and genus level, and including observations on taxa encountered outside the counts. 3. GLOBAL DIATOM GENUS DATABASE (GDGD): this folder contains the GDGD and associated files. 4. POLAR DIATOM SPECIES DATABASE (PDSD): this folder contains the PDSD and associated files. 5. R-CODE: this folder contains the original R-code used by Pinseel et al. to analyze the data and produce the figures. The R-code can be rerun using all csv-files that are included in this dataset in the folders on the GDGD, PDSD and the Miocene database.
Steps to reproduce
This dataset contains all files necessary to reproduce the results by Pinseel et al. on the historical biogeography of Antarctic lacustrine diatom communities. In order to reproduce the figures in the paper by Pinseel et al., download all csv-files that are available in the different folders, and run the R-code that is given in the R-code folder.