Funeral practices of the Final Bronze Age in the southern Trans-Urals: between cultural norm and deviation. Supplementary data

Published: 3 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2hfrktn359.1
, Polina Ankusheva, Natalia Batanina, Anastasia Bukacheva, Egor Vasyuchkov, Daria Kiseleva, Yuri Makurov, Aleksandr Khokhlov


Appendix 1 presents a detailed archaeological context and the history of the study of the published materials. Appendix 2 contains data on the physical anthropology of the individual from the burial. Appendix 3 highlights the results of the analysis of the isotope ratios of strontium of an individual in comparison with background values. Appendix 4 presents generalized data on the burials of the Final Bronze Age of the Southern Trans-Urals.



Bronze Age, Stable Isotope, Cemetery, Strontium Isotope
