Platanthera bifolia and Platanthera chlorantha dataset, NE Poland 2015-2017
Published: 19 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2hgbv623wd.1
, , Paweł MirskiDescription
This is a dataset on two Platantherans species from North-Eastern Poland reproductive success, flower morphology and seed germination. The description of dataset and methods can be found in the article: Patterns of reproductive strategies in pure and mixed populations of two sister nectariferous Platantherans (P. bifolia and P. chlorantha) by Emilia Brzosko, Krzysztof Fronckiel, Edyta Jermakowicz, Paweł Mirski, Beata Ostrowiecka, Izabela Tałałaj
Steps to reproduce
Please see the original article for methodology of data aquisition. Patterns of reproductive strategies in pure and mixed populations of two sister nectariferous Platantherans (P. bifolia and P. chlorantha) by Brzosko et al. 2022
Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku
Orchidaceae, Seed Development, Flower, Orchid, Reproductive Biology