Airfoil 360 App: Predicting Aerodynamic Coefficients Through 360 Degrees for Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Applications v.1.1
This dataset is an app generated using Matlab(R) to predict the 360-degree aerodynamic coefficients of three airfoils at Reynolds Numbers of 50,000 and 100,000. This app is particularly useful for predicting airfoil performance for use in vertical-axis wind turbine applications. There are two versions of the app in this dataset: 1. Airfoil 360.mpaainstall This version is for users who already have Matlab(R) installed on their systems. Running this version will install the app and make it accessible in the "Apps" tab of the Matlab(R) home screen. 2. Airfoil360.exe (readme.txt) This is a standalone version for users who do not have Matlab(R) already installed on their system. This standalone version requires that you download the Matlab(R) RunTime Installer on your system. Instructions are contained in the readme.txt file. Other References: D. B. Stringer, P. Hartman, D. W. Bunner, and M. R. Fisch, “A New 360° Airfoil Model for Predicting Airfoil Thrust Potential in Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Designs,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 13304–13304, Jan. 2018, doi: 10.1063/1.5011207. version update: updated acknowledgment section that was incomplete in first version.