EDIpack: A parallel exact diagonalization package for quantum impurity problems
Published: 10 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2hxhw9zjg9.1
, , , , , , Description
We present EDIpack, an exact diagonalization package to solve generic quantum impurity problems. The algorithm includes a generalization of the look-up method introduced in Ref. [1] and enables a massively parallel execution of the matrix-vector linear operations required by Lanczos and Arnoldi algorithms. We show that a suitable Fock basis organization is crucial to optimize the inter-processors communication in a distributed memory setup and to reach sub-linear scaling in sufficiently large systems. We discuss the algorithm in details indicating how to deal with multiple orbitals and electron-phonon coupling. Finally, we outline the download, installation and functioning of the package.
Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics