Data for: Inflation Data in the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Nervous System Approach Using Particle Swarm Algorithm

Published: 15 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2hyjrh6txc.1
saeed iranmanesh


: Inflation rate data are available in multiple time sequences. This article uses the annual inflation rate data available on the website of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Time period (1986-2018)) Was used for inflation rate data. Real interest rate data are the result of bank interest rate after annual inflation deduction. Time period (1986-2018) was used for these data. The Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran is notified by the banking network. This variable was extracted from the Central Bank over the period (1986-2018). Qdyngy and the unemployment rate of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in the period (1986-2018) have been achieved.



Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Monetary Policy, Public Sector, Monetary Forecasting
