Data on fatty acid profiles of oils isolated from the mesocarps and seeds of four avocado species derived from Sabah, Malaysia

Published: 9 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2j3sk5tt53.1
Bo Eng Cheong


This data contains the 37 fatty acid profiles of oils isolated from both the mesocarps (45 samples) and seeds (25 samples) of four avocado species derived from Sabah, Malaysia.


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In this research, the fatty acid contents present in four avocado varieties (QAV1, QAV2, Short Neck Russell and Local Bacon) derived from Sabah, Malaysia were investigated. Hass avocado variety (originated from Australia) was used as control for comparison purpose. The mature Sabah avocado fruits were obtained from the orchards located in Keningau and Tenom districts of Sabah. The fruits were dissected into the mesocarp and seed parts, freeze-dried and pulverized to fine powder form. For the fatty acid profiling of the avocado mesocarp, a total of 45 samples (5 replicates for Hass variety, 10 for each of the Sabah variety) with each replicate weighing 15±0.5g, were prepared. Similarly, for the seed samples, 25 samples were prepared (5 replicates for Hass variety, 5 for each of the Sabah variety), with each weighing 15±0.5g, were used. All samples were sent to the UNIPEQ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. of the National University of Malaysia (UKM) for a thorough fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Total fat extraction was conducted using a Soxhlet apparatus according to the guidelines outlined in the AOAC 20th Edition (method 991.36). For fatty acid analysis, the extracted fats (contain fatty acids) were transesterified into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) and detected with Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) based on the AOAC 20th Edition: method 996.06. The obtained raw data was divided into saturated fatty acid (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) categories for both the mesocarp and seed parts of the studied avocado varieties.


Universiti Malaysia Sabah


Malaysia, Avocado, Fatty Acid Methyl Ester


Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia

