Data for the publication Ceirans et al. (2024) Identification and use of suitable metrics for calling male count-based community assessments in amphibian monitoring
Published: 29 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2jr9czv2j4.1
Andris CeiransDescription
A dataset containing amphibian breeding waterbody, anthropogenic land-use within 100 and 500 m, wetland within 500 m, and climate parameters, CAMC-based amphibian survey results and CAMC-based ecological indices for 400 sites in Latvia. Data collected in 2016-2023.
Steps to reproduce
Refer to the Methods section of the paper "Ceirans et al. (2024) Identification and use of suitable metrics for calling male count-based community assessments in amphibian monitoring".
Amphibian, Wetlands