Data for: The role of ink-bottle pores in freeze-thaw damage of oolithic limestone

Published: 25 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2jx58pcx32.1
Maxim Deprez, Tim De Kock, Veerle Cnudde, Geert De Schutter


To investigate the impact of the saturation degree on Savonnières limestone, a freeze-thaw cycle of a total of six hours was performed on eight cylindrical limestone samples. The strain was monitored by an LVDT placed at the top flat surface of each cylinder. The temperature was also measured both inside (T in) and at the surface (T out) of the samples by K-type thermocouples. The samples were 38 mm in height with a diameter of 20 mm. A hole of 10 mm deep was drilled to be able to monitor the inner temperature. Each sample had a different degree of water saturation. This is indicated in the titles of the different worksheets. Samples 1 to 6 had a water saturation degree starting from 50 % at sample 1 and rising with 10 % for every sample until 100 % saturation was reached in sample 6. These samples were saturated by fully saturating them in vacuum conditions and subsequent drying until appropriate weight was reached. Samples 7 and 8 were water saturated by imbibition under atmospherical conditions for 48 hours. Both of these samples reached 48 % saturation. The samples were subsequently sealed with aluminum foil and plastic tape to prevent evaporation and they were stored for 24 hours at 4 °C. Before they were put into the climate test chamber, the top and bottom part of the cylinders were stripped from their seal and dried by pressing them onto a dry cloth for 5 minutes and by blowing air onto them for 2 minutes. This action prevents influence of ice extrusion onto the LVDT during the freeze-thaw cycle. Finally, the samples were subjected to a freeze-thaw cycle. After half an hour at 10 °C, the temperature decreased for 1.5 hours towards -15 °C. There it remains for half an hour to rise again for 1.5 hours to 10 °C. Here the temperature is then kept constant at 10 °C for two hours. The raw measurements are time, length change in µm and temperature at two locations. The length change is then converted to strain by dividing the length change by the original length. The strain values here are given in m/m.



Weathering, Physical Weathering, Limestone, Temperature, Saturation, Strain, Ice, Pore Water
