Investigating Principal Transformational Leadership in Strengthening Lonto Leok’s Cultural-based Character Education

Published: 8 April 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/2k42683mkb.2
Yulius Rustan Effendi,
, Imron Arifin


This study aimed to portray the process of applying local cultural moral values (LCMV) that have not been prioritized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, as the values of the main character standards in schools. In addition, principals’ transformational leadership behavior (TLB) is described based on the local culture teaching dimension approach. This research used a qualitative approach with the case study design. To achieve the research objectives, data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. Data validity was drawn on credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the study demonstrated that LCMV supports strengthening the character of students, and the application of TLB based on the local culture teaching dimension approach is severely effective in optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening programs (CESP). This research was conducted in 2018–2019 at the State Junior High School in the West Flores region, Indonesia. The results of this research will be recommended to the Indonesian Ministry of Education, to use LCMV as a standard character value in schools and provide opportunities for principals in each school to implement a leadership model based on local culture approaches.


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This study aimed to portray the process of applying local cultural moral values (LCMV) that have not been prioritized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, as the values of the main character standards in schools. In addition, principals’ transformational leadership behavior (TLB) is described based on the local culture teaching dimension approach. This research used a qualitative approach with the case study design. To achieve the research objectives, data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. Data validity was drawn on credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the study demonstrated that LCMV supports strengthening the character of students, and the application of TLB based on the local culture teaching dimension approach is severely effective in optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening programs (CESP). This research was conducted in 2018–2019 at the State Junior High School in the West Flores region, Indonesia. The results of this research will be recommended to the Indonesian Ministry of Education, to use LCMV as a standard character value in schools and provide opportunities for principals in each school to implement a leadership model based on local culture approaches.


Universitas Negeri Malang


Research Article
