pCI: A parallel configuration interaction software package for high-precision atomic structure calculations

Published: 30 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2kn5npnxj7.1


We introduce the pCI software package for high-precision atomic structure calculations. The standard method of calculation is based on the configuration interaction (CI) method to describe valence correlations, but can be extended to attain better accuracy by including core correlations via many-body perturbation theory (CI+MBPT) or the all-order (CI+all-order) method. The software package enables calculations of atomic properties, including energy levels, g-factors, hyperfine structure constants, multipole transition matrix elements, polarizabilities, and isotope shifts. It also features modern high-performance computing paradigms, including dynamic memory allocations and large-scale parallelization via the message-passing interface, to optimize and accelerate computations. To improve accuracy of the calculations, we include a supplementary program package to calculate QED corrections via a variant of QEDMOD, as well as a package to include core correlations.



Computational Physics, Atomic Structure, Electrodynamics, Perturbation Theory
