Perceived Causal Symptom Networks Applied in Adolescent Depression
Individual perceived causal symptom networks for n=55 adolescents screening positive for depression (the individual files incl more than the n=55 who screen positive). A compiled data file is included, with n=55 including background variables such as gender, age, free-text comments etc. The networks were created using a Qualtrics questionnaire, attached as word and qualtrics- files (in swedish). Item lists in network matrices are in swedish (they include symptom specifications by the respondents), but are always in the same order, namely: Eats too little Physically inactive Insomnia Daytime resting Conflicts Self-harm Unfocused Screentime Stays at home Procrastinates Substance use Isolates socially Suicidal ideation Eats too much Slow Overthinking Guilt Negative memories Anxiety Pain Social anxiety Sad Tired Stressed Bored Angry
Steps to reproduce
Collected using the PECAN questionnaire (Klintwall, Bellander, Cervin, 2021)