Data for: A Function-combining Baby Stroller Design Method Developed by Fusing Kano, QFD and FAST Methodologies

Published: 11 January 2020| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/2kyrc6hdjk.4
Xiaoli Wu, Zhuang Hong


This paper proposes a user requirements-oriented baby stroller design method centered on finding the best combination of functions. First, user requirements are gathered, analyzed using KJ method for hierarchical analysis and clustered according to the Kano model, and the importance of each group is determined. Then, the function of the baby stroller body is decomposed using FAST method to obtain the function structure. Finally, the function structure of the baby stroller is imported into the "requirement-function" of the quality house model to establish the correlation between user requirements and stroller functions, and a function system diagram is created. The outcome of our experimental design study shows that the proposed function-combining design method allows the designer to effectively grasp real user requirements and design a stroller using a streamlined design process, thus resulting in better designs that meet user expectations.



Production System Design
