Supplementary videos for PhD: 'Developing Imaging and Spectroscopy Capabilities in Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy'
A series of supplementary videos subitted alongside my PhD. One folder for each of chapter 4 (Nanometre Resolution Elemental Mapping in Graphene-Based TEM Liquid Cells) and chapter 5 (Graphene-MoS2 Mixing Cells for Liquid-Phase Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy). All images are high angle annular dark field (HAADF) STEM acquired at either 80 or 200 kV using a Titan ChemiSTEM. Videos in Chapter 4 are reproduced with permissions from Kelly, D. J., Zhou, M., Clark, N., Hamer, M. J., Lewis, E. A., Rakowski, A. M., Haigh, S.J., and Gorbachev, R. V. (2018). Nanometer resolution elemental mapping in graphene-based TEM liquid cells. Nano letters, 18(2), 1168-1174. Videos in Chapter 5 feature several changes in magnification and so frame sizes in nm will be listed rather here rather than scale bars: C5_SV1: Initial frame size 25 nm. Playback time 10 times faster than recording time. C5_SV2: Rapid changes in magnification at the beginning, after a few frames settles to a size of 272 nm. Playback time 3 times faster than recording time. C5_SV3: Initial frame size 141 nm. Playback time 25 times faster than recording time. C5_SV4: Initial frame size 141 nm. Playback time 10 times faster than recording time. C5_SV5: Initial frame size 200 nm. Playback time 10 times faster than recording time. C5_SV6: Initial frame size 395 nm. Playback time 10 times faster than recording time.