Experimental dataset for riparian vegetation-sediment interactions

Published: 9 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2mppr2fctd.1
Andy Tranmer, Un Ji, Myeonghui Ahn,


These data constitute the results from two experimental flume runs performed at the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology- River Experiment Center in Andong, South Korea. This dataset consists of pre and post experimental photos and one Excel file with different tabs reporting data for the channel bed elevations, vegetation characteristics, hydraulics at three cross sections, and bedload transport measurements at three cross sections. Full experimental details can be found in the Tranmer et al. (In Submission) article published here: A.W. Tranmer, U. Ji, M. Ahn, S. Jung, E. Yager, (In Submission). Flow hydraulics, sediment supply, and bed morphodynamics as controls on erosion and deposition in and around riparian vegetation patches. Water Resources Research. Channel bed elevations were collected with a Reigl LMS-Z390i laser scanner with 6 mm vertical uncertainty. Laser scans were performed before and after each experiment to monitor initial and final bed conditions as well as computing DEMs of difference for each experimental run. These data are reported for each section and zone in and around the vegetation patch. The vegetation patch consists of 89 three-year-old willows (Salix subfragilis) and characteristics are summarized in the associated tab in the spreadsheet. Hydraulic data were produced by near-bed ADV measurements across the channel. Three cross sections were measured located 4 m upstream of the vegetation patch (D0), through the midsection of the patch (D2), and 2 m downstream of the patch (D4). At cross sections D0 and D4 a Nortek Vectrino ADV (25 Hz, 60 s) measured the velocity at 0.25 relative flow depth from the bed (z/h). At cross section D2 through the centerline of the patch, a Sontek microADV (50 Hz, 120 s) measured velocity at 0.2 z/h. These depths were selected as they were the closest to the bed that consistently did not experience interference from mobile bedforms. Bedload measurements were performed at three cross sections located 4 m upstream of the vegetation patch (D0), across the upstream head of the vegetation patch (D1), and across the downstream boundary of the vegetation patch (D3). Bedload measurements used a custom bedload sampler with a 21.6 cm2 orifice and the sampler was on the bed for 2-4 min at each sampling location depending on the discharge.



Earth Surface Sediment Transport, Fluvial Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Sedimentation, Riparian Vegetation, Ecohydrology
