Lithium-ion Batteries Immersion Cooling Experiment
Published: 1 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2nf557wdyk.1
, , , , Description
The experiment is the case of Li-ion batteries in immersion cooling configuration. To get the full information on the data read the file 'README.txt'. A battery pack composed of eight cells is immersed in a coolant within an enclosure. See the 'ExpSetup_legend.pdf' file to visualize the setup geometry. This dataset contains temperature, mass flow rate, voltage, and electrical current measurements of Li-ion cells under two charging/discharging conditions cycles. The results of the experiment are widely commented in the linked article. The experiment was conducted by Exoes, 33170 Gradignan, France.
Heat Transfer, Lithium Battery, Cooling