Data for: Discovering the shared biology of cognitive traits determined by genetic overlap

Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2ntwx2hzpc.1
Joao Guimaraes


This directory contains the data and scripts used in the Methods & Materials of the study "Discovering the shared biology of cognitive traits determined by genetic overlap". It is split into 3 sections: - Twin Modeling: genetic analysis estimating shared genetics among cognitive traits (each individually driven by genetic factors, i.e. heritable). - Functional Imaging Meta-analysis: estimation of brain maps representative of cognitive activation across studies, individually for each cognitive trait reporting shared genetics - Brain Activation Overlap: quantify and infer overlap among cognitive maps, mimicking their respective genetic association, via three approaches: shared number of voxels, dice similarity coefficient, and the permuted correlation approach reported by Alexander-Bloch et al 2018



Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Behavior Genetics, Meta-Analysis
