The Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Teaching Digital Safety Skills to Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Published: 20 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2p39wvm32v.1


This data set contains data from a study investigating the effectiveness of video modeling in teaching individuals with intellectual disabilities how to make their Instagram profiles private. The study involved three middle school students (ages 12–15) with intellectual disabilities, using a multiple-probe design. The data includes the participants' progress in learning the skill, comparisons with a norm group, and feedback from their parents. The data set consists of five spreadsheets: Instructional effectiveness data (separately for each of the students): Success rates in teaching participants how to set their Instagram profiles to private. Participant progress and norm group comparison: Progress data and comparison with a norm group. Parental feedback: Parent opinions about the study and the learned skills. The data demonstrates the effectiveness of video modeling in teaching digital safety skills and its applicability in various digital safety scenarios for individuals with intellectual disabilities.



Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi


Special Education
