Data for: The origin of the sediment-hosted Kanmantoo Cu-Au deposit, South Australia: Mineralogical considerations

Published: 22 March 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2p3fk8x8nr.1
Paul Spry, Meaghan Pollock, Ross Both, Alan Koenig, Joseph Ogierman, Katherine Tott


Major element and trace element compositions of garnet, biotite, staurolite, chlorite, muscovite, and magnetite in metamorphosed altered rocks from the Kanmantoo deposit. Major elements compositions were obtained using a JEOL JXA-8900 Electron Probe Microanalyzer at the University of Minnesota. Trace element concentrations were measured at the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), comprising a Photon Machines Analyte LA system (excimer 193 nm) coupled to a PerkinElmer DRC-e ICP-MS.



Economic Geology
