Bangladesh Online Food Portals Customer Reviews Dataset
Published: 13 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2p5cyjwmrx.1
Priom Deb, , , , Description
The dataset is a collection of customer reviews on a food delivery website for Bangladesh named 'Foodpanda'. The dataset includes 43,000 reviews. The reviewer's name, rating, and corresponding city are also included for each review. The dataset is useful for analyzing customer satisfaction and preferences as well as identifying areas for improvement in the food delivery service. The data is structured in a way that makes it easy to filter and search for specific reviews, and it can be used to generate insights and make data-driven decisions for the food delivery website.
Steps to reproduce
Web scraping methods is used to create this dataset.
BRAC University, BRAC University Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Natural Language Processing, Customer Satisfaction Study