Prolactin EDS-Mogavero et al- raw

Published: 18 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2pxf4zdyhr.1
Direzione Scientifica Oasi Research Institute - IRCCS


Study Objectives were: to identify subjects with hyperprolactinemia in a clinical sample of patients; to separate participants with a complaint of significant excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) from those without; to compare the neurological and sleep conditions found in patients subgrouped by EDS and hyperprolactinemia; to identify patients with hyperprolactinemia and EDS not supported by the presence of any other neurological or sleep disorder, or substance/medication use. A retro-spective chart review of inpatients was carried out in order to identify all patients in whom the prolactin (PRL) serum levels were determined. A total of 130 subjects were retrieved: 55 had in-creased levels of PRL while the remaining 75 participants had normal PRL levels. EDS was reported by 32 (58.2%) participants with increased PRL and 34 (45.3) with normal PRL. EDS was associated with a sleep or neurological condition in all participants with normal PRL (especially obstructive sleep apnea, 79.4%), but not in those with increased PRL, among whom eight had no other neu-rologic or sleep disorder (or drug) potentially causing EDS and, at polysomnography, had time in bed, sleep period time, and total sleep time longer than those with an associated condition. These findings can be considered as a proof of concept supporting the hypothesis of a role of hyperpro-lactinemia in EDS and represent a basis for future controlled studies able to test in a reliable, ob-jective, and methodologically more appropriate way this hypothesis.



Sleep Medicine
