CRCCD_V1 (Colorectal Cancer Classification and Detection)

Published: 11 September 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/2pybr7f7yc.2


Colorectal Cancer Classification and Detection(CRCCD_V1). This data is collected from SUM Hospital, SOA University of Medical Science, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Data is collected after all the institutional formalities and permissions from the Ethical Committee. Data is authenticated by the doctors of Gastroenterological Department. This data collection is possible by the collaboration of GIET university with SOA Institute of Medical Sciences, SUM Hospital. The dataset contains 8750 colorectal images in total having two sets: Train set and Test Set. Train set contains 7000 colorectal images consisting of 14 classes, each class having 500 images. Test set contains 1750 images consisting of 14 classes, each class having 125 images.


Steps to reproduce

I have collected this colorectal data from SUM Hospital after all the formalities and ethical committee permissions. Images are preprocessed by using data augmentation techniques. Contrast, brightness and size are changed through programming and made them appropriate for other researchers for performing their research work. Main purpose of publishing is to help other researchers for doing their research work efficiently.


Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Siksha O Anusandhan University Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital


Image Classification, Image Analysis
