Reliability and Maintenance Data Set for Resilience Optimization
This is a dataset with component reliability data, maintenance data, repaircrew data, routing distances for the following paper submitted to RESS for potential publication. Ryan O’Neil, Claver Diallo, Abdelhakim Khatab, Nidhal Rezg (2024). Enhancing Critical Network Infrastructure Resilience Through Optimal Post-Disruption Maintenance and Routing Decisions, submitted to Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Elsevier. This data is for experiment 4 in the paper. This set of experiments considers the network displayed in Figure 18, which includes a known source node s, sink node t, and multiple transshipment nodes. The arc index and capacity (in cubic meters per day, CMD) are indicated on each network arc. The network comprises a total of 31 components/arcs. When all components are functioning, the maximum achievable network flow is 112 CMD. With a demand set at d = 112 CMD, there are S = 43 d-MCs.
Steps to reproduce
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada