MRI data for gambling male rats

Published: 10 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2rdhw7knr2.1
Tie-Qiang Li


MRI data of the brains for lale Lister Hooded rats (HsdOla:LH, Envigo, Horst, the Netherlands, n at 5–6 weeks of age. Both high-resolution anatomic 3D fast spin-echo (FSE) images and resting-state fMRI data for 32 animals are available. There two tar files are included: Anatomi_fse3d.tar and RfMRI-raw.tar. The basic information for the files are as follow: Anatomi_fse3d.tar is 508M 32 zip NIFTI files corresponding to 3D FSE anatomy image for each animal R-to-L extent: -16.081 [R] -to- 16.250 [L] -step- 0.169 mm [192 voxels] A-to-P extent: -15.996 [A] -to- 16.250 [P] -step- 0.254 mm [128 voxels] I-to-S extent: 16.165 [S] -to- 48.496 [S] -step- 0.169 mm [192 voxels] datum type is float. RfMRI-raw.tar 740M 32 zip NIFTI files conrresponding to 3D R-fMRI image data for each animal R-to-L extent: 15.951 [L] -to- 48.126 [L] -step- 0.325 mm [100 voxels] A-to-P extent: -16.187 [A] -to- 15.909 [P] -step- 0.324 mm [100 voxels] I-to-S extent: -12.938 [I] -to- 12.412 [S] -step- 0.650 mm [ 40 voxels] Number of time steps = 300 Time step = 2.00000s Origin = 0.00000s Number time-offset slices = 40. datum type is float.


Steps to reproduce

Animal Preparation for MRI Animals underwent MRI scanning 4–7 weeks after the completion of rGT. Anesthesia was induced in a box with 5% isoflurane (1:4 oxygen:air mixture; Isoflo® Vet, Orion Pharma Animal Health, Sollentuna, Sweden) and a subcutaneous catheter was inserted when the animals were anaesthetized. The animals were thereafter placed prone in a stereotactic holder with their head cinched, teeth placed in a tooth-bar and a nosecone placed around their nose that provided 2% isoflurane in a mixture of oxygen and air (ratio 1:4). A rectal thermometer, a pulse oximeter and breathing sensor was used to monitor the animal during the MRI measurements. To maintain a steady body temperature of 37°C a feedback hot air system was used. When the rat reached a steady core temperature of 37°C, a bolus dose of medetomidine was administered by an infusion pump (PHD 2000 infuse/withdraw, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA, U.S.) via the subcutaneous catheter. Isoflurane flow was lowered to 0.25% 5 minutes after the bolus. Fifteen minutes after the reduction of isoflurane flow a steady flow of medetomidine (0.1 mg/kg/h) was administered by an infusion pump until the end of the experiment. MRI data acquisition procedure All MRI measurements were conducted using a 9.4T experimental MRI system (VnmrJ software 3.1, Agilent, Yarnton, UK). The MRI scanner was equipped with a gradient system of 12 cm inner diameter and a maximum strength of 600 mT/m. An actively tuned transmit-receive bird-cage coil of 72 mm ID (RAPID Biomedical GmbH, Wüuzburg-Rimpar, Germany) was utilized for the volumetric scanning of the brain anatomy. An actively detuned, receiver-only, 4-channel phased array surface coil (RAPID Biomedical GmbH, Wüuzburg-Rimpar, Germany) was used for rapid data acquisition based on echo-planar-imaging (EPI) method. The MRI acquisition protocol included the following: 1) Anatomic reference scans were acquired using a fast spin echo sequence (FSE) with a stack of 11 transverse slices of 1 mm thickness. The positions of the slices were carefully selected so that the anterior commissure joins medially in the central slice. The following settings were used for the scanning: TR=3 s, echo train containing 8 echoes where the 4th echo was localized to the center of k-space, NEX=1, matrix size=256 × 256, FOV=48 × 48 mm2, and a slice thickness of 1 mm. 2) R-fMRI data were acquired using a single-shot GRE EPI protocol with the following acquisition parameters: FOV=32 × 32 mm2, matrix size=64 × 64, 11 interleaved transverse slices at the same positions as the anatomic reference scan described above, slice thickness=1mm with no slice gap, TR/TE=1000/16.33 ms, 300 dynamic repetitions with a total acquisition time of 5 min, bandwidth=2791 Hz/pixel and 8 dummy scans preceded the data collection in order to achieve signal steady-state.


Behavioral Neuroscience, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Functional Imaging
