Permanent Magnet Direct Current Worm Geared Motor Data: Voltage, Current, and Speed
The dataset describes the voltage, current, and velocity measurements of two DC motors of the same model under different experimental conditions. The data is helpful in system identification, DC motor modeling, DC motor parameter identification, and studying the DC motor dynamics.
Steps to reproduce
The dataset comprises the measured data from two motors of the same model. The experimental platform includes an Arduino Mega 2560, the primary data acquisition system, a VNH2SP30 full-bridge motor driver to control the input voltage using an Arduino PWM output, an ACS-712-based current sensor, a voltage divider circuit with resistors to adequate the circuit voltage to an analog measure with the Arduino board, and an OMRON rotary incremental encoder with 1800 pulses per revolution, model E6B2-CWZ6C, to measure the dc motor speed by using a quadrature encoder buffer based on the integrated circuit (IC) LS7366R communicating to the Arduino board using SPI protocol. Using the Arduino IDE software and the external tool Ardu Spreadsheet, the data acquired at 100 Hz were saved to a comma-separated values file via serial communication. The experiments were carried with and without a load attached to the motor shaft. The same sensors were used for both motors. Except for the input voltages that do not start the DC motor, at least ten trials were conducted for each input signal and each motor. Besides the filtered values of voltage, current, and speed, the data also includes the time interval of each measurement, the raw values of the Arduino analog inputs, the number of encoder counts, and the reference values for motor control: the motor status (clockwise spin, counterclockwise spin, or brake), and the reference PWM output value that commands the motor driver. The data collection process considers the following input signals under a no-load condition: sine and triangle waves (0.1 Hz, 1 Hz, and 10 Hz), a 0.25 Hz square wave, two Pseudorandom Binary Sequencesignals (with 7 and 9 bits), and step functions. Only step functions were tested under a loaded condition with four load states: 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, and 4 kg. The dataset file is a spreadsheet that comprises .csv tables for each experiment. The experiments are separated in the file tabs by the signal input tested and the motor (A or B) tested.