Trauma centers in New Jersey
This data set presents a list of level 1 and level 2 trauma centers accredited by the NJDHSS (The national department of health and senior services, as of April 2023. The different levels are Level I, II, III, IV or V refer to the resources available in a trauma center and the number of patients admitted. The categories are national standards for trauma care in hospitals. Trauma Center locations and accreditation is determined by state or local level. Level 1 focuses providing total care for every aspect of injury. Level 2 is able to initiate definitive care for all injured patients. We focus solely on level 1 and level 2 due to they usually provide more comprehensive care than the others.
Steps to reproduce
1. Created a google search of New Jersey trauma centers. 2. Clicked on the NJDHSS in which the list came up as the general acute hospitals. 3. Looking through the key provided, listed a number 4 in hospital services was hospitals with either level I or level II trauma center status.. 4. Looking by county, I identified the 10 trauma centers within the 69 acute hospitals provided. 5. Using excel or google sheets, list the hospitals name, address, and level status. 6. Level status and address were directly found using a quick google search. 7. Once completed, download as a csv. 8. Using ARCGIS, open up web map and add layer from file 9. Show attributes by level 10. hit enter or create, to see location separated by level 1 and level 2 trauma centers.