Cortical responses under threat in victms of urban violence: EEG dataset acquired during a choice reaction time task.
Dataset of brazilian participants (University Students), victms of urban violence. The sample consist of 38 participants [32 women; age, Mean (M)= 20.46 years; Standard Deviation (SD)= 2.06 years] who were divided into a high PTSD symptom severity group (high PTSS; who scored 44 or above on the PCL-C; M PTSS = 55.05; n = 17, 16 women), and a low PTSD symptoms severity group (low PTSS; who scored below 44; M PTSS = 28.14; n = 21, 16 women). The PTSS scores ranged from 17 to 77 (M PTSS = 40.18, SD = 16.37). The study investigated motor cortical activity triggered by a discrimination task. Participants were instructed to compare the orientation of two peripheral bars and to respond by pressing a key with their left or right hand while ignoring a central distractive picture. The picture could depict either a scene with mutilated bodies or a neutral scene. Electrophysiological data were recorded from the scalp using a 23-channel EEG system (BrainNet BNT-36; EMSA Equipamentos Médicos Ltd., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) that was positioned according to the electrode sites from the 10–20 system. We performed event-related potential and time frequency analyses to obtain the the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) and the motor-related amplitude asymmetry (MRAA) in the alpha frequency range. The dataset contain: 1) A .xls table containing infomation about the participants, such as gender, PTSS scores, behavioral (reaction time) and processed EEG data (MRAA amplitude and LRP latency). 2) the preprocessed EEG data of the participants (.set files from EEGlab).
Steps to reproduce
Please, refer to the original article to reproduce the analyses.