DAMQT 3: Advanced suite for the analysis of molecular density and related properties in large systems

Published: 25 July 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/2rxvgbsnhx.2


A new version of the DAMQT package specially developed for large systems is reported. The graphical part has been entirely redesigned, using new OpenGL libraries (versions 3.3 or higher) for 3D display. Several 2D plotters and 3D viewers can be launched now in the same session and more than one molecule can be loaded in the same 3D window. Algorithms have been rescaled and modified to work with densities coming from ZDO computations in very big molecular systems (up to thousands of atoms) at a very moderate cost. New functionalities have been added including computation of molecular electrostatic potential over a molecular surface determined as a user-defined density isosurface. The method of Electrostatics for Intermolecular Complexation has been added to the package to serve as an auxiliary tool for cluster geometry optimization. Examples are provided which prove the good performance of the algorithms.



Molecular Physics, Computational Physics, Electron Density, Electrostatics
