High-speed visualization of the bubble dynamics on copper tubes
Published: 5 April 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/2sb64466kf.2
, , , Ping-Hei ChenDescription
High-speed visualization of the bubble dynamics. Four copper tubes were used: a) Sample 1 (Ra = 0.032 µm), (b) Sample 2 (Ra = 0.108 µm), (c) Sample 3 (Ra = 0.544 µm), and (d) Sample 4 (surface: Ra = 0.544 µm + hexagonal hydrophobic patterns: Ra = 0.318 µm). Second heat flux interval (~ 30 kW/m2) & fourth heat flux interval (~ 450 kW/m2). For visualization of the four samples during the second heat flux interval (see supplementary movie 1) and the fourth heat flux interval (see supplementary movie 2).
National Taiwan University
Copper, Water, Tube, Surface Roughness, Hydrophobic Surface, Bubble Dynamics, Boiling