Published: 9 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/2spybwcmhj.2
George CodyDescription
This data set contains processed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy data that are used to create figures for the paper "Origin and Evolution of deuterium enrichment in chondritic organic solids" each text file is a two column array, where the first column is frequency (as parts per million of the carrier frequency for either D, 1H, or 13C). The second column is the signal strength.
Steps to reproduce
These NMR data were acquired using a 7.05 T super conducting solenoid Magnet and a Chemagnetics Infinity solid state NMR. All experimental parameters are detailed in the paper "Origin and Evolution of deuterium enrichment in chondritic solids", G. Cody et al. submitted to Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta
Carnegie Institution for Science
Cosmochemistry, Hydrogen Isotope