Data from: Equal rights for parasites: are we there yet?

Published: 22 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2sv8sdh8sr.1
Alan Lymbery


The Excel file provided here contain data associated with the following paper: Lymbery, A.J. and Lymbery, S.J. (2024) Equal rights for parasites: are we there yet? International Journal for Parasitology - Parasites and Wildlife The file consist of all the articles found in the last 10 years in the International Journal for Parasitology - Parasites and Wildlife that contain the term “conservation” in the title, keywords, or abstract; and all papers published in the last 10 years in Biological Conservation and Conservation Biology that contain the term “parasit*”. Articles were classified according to year published, conceptual focus (whether parasites were considered as conservation targets or as threats), article type (empirical or non-empirical), and parasite taxon (macroparasite or microparasite, where macroparasites included arthropods, helminths, annelids, molluscs and vertebrates, and microparasites included protozoans, fungi and bacteria).



Parasitology, Conservation Biology
