Improving identification of determinants of evidence-based practice implementation - Barrier Rankings

Published: 19 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2sxpw8x6jd.1
Bryan Weiner


This study leveraged an existing implementation effort in Kaiser Permanente Washington to increase access to cancer genetic services. Using OPTICC Stage I and Stage II methods (see, this study matched implementation strategies to high priority determinants for routine hereditary cancer risk assessment and delivery of genetic testing, and evaluated a staged, stakeholder-driven approach to program implementation planning. This dataset includes aggregated responses from the Barriers Survey. It includes the mean score as well as score range for impact and persistence, as well as overall score. It then includes the study teams analysis ranking, based on the responses. For the survey responses (middle 3 columns), the higher the number the more impactful/persistent the barrier (1 = not at all influential/has never been a problem, 4= extremely influential/has always been a problem). For the study team ranking/analysis (last column), 1 = most important (so opposite of the survey responses). This data was collected in July 2023. Six participants responded to the survey that fed into this analysis • This data includes aggregate quantitative data



University of Washington


Implementation of Change


National Institutes of Health

