Data for: Improving Distribution System State Estimation with Synthetic Measurements
The content of this bundle zip includes all the data needed to reproduce Case Study II in the paper " Improving Distribution System State Estimation with Synthetic Measurements" 1. The file "DGrid_OpenDSS" contains the topological information of the grid in OpenDSS format. 2. The file "linecode" is to be used with "DGrid_OpenDSS" and contains parameters of the conductors used in the grid. 3. The folder "LoadShape" contains the load profiles (P and Q) of the 54 single-phase loads in the grid at 1440 snapshots (24-hours period with 1 minute sampling). The file "Data_structure", located in this folder describes the data structure. 4. The folder "State" contains the true state of the grid at 1440 snapshots (24-hours period with 1 minute sampling) obtained from an unbalance PF algorithm. The file "Data_structure", located in this folder describes the data structure. 5. The folder "Measurements_non-syn" contains the conventional set of measurements obtained from the grid at 1440 snapshots (24-hours period with 1 minute sampling) obtained from an unbalance PF algorithm. The file "Data_structure", located in this folder describes the data structure. 6. The folder "Measurements_syn" contains the measurements obtained from the grid, including synthetic power flows, at 1440 snapshots (24-hours period with 1 minute sampling) obtained from an unbalance PF algorithm. The file "Data_structure", located in this folder describes the data structure.