Materials for "Synoptic meteorological conditions of gamma-ray glows in winter thunderstorms"
# Materials for "Synoptic meteorological conditions of gamma-ray glows in winter thunderstorms" ## About This data repository contains data and materials used for Wada et al. "Synoptic meteorological conditions of gamma-ray glows in winter thunderstorms" submitted to Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the corresponding author of the paper. ## Charts for all cases Documents for 24 glow cases and 11 non-detection cases are summarized in all_cases.pdf. ## Himawari-8 IR1 images Images of Advanced Himawari Imager IR1 are included. The data is provided by Japan Meteorological Agency via Center of Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, and plotted by the authors. ## MSM 500 hPa contours Contours of geopotential height at 500 hPa based on the meso-scale numerical prediction model (MSM) are included. The MSM model is provided by Japan Meteorological Agency via Research Institute of Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University. ## Contact Yuuki Wada (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) wada (at)