Lithospheric thickness controls the porphyry Cu mineralization: Evidence from neighboring arc volcanic rocks. Wang et al.
Published: 12 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2tvkn6j97r.1
Yin-Hong WangDescription
Table 1 shows Whole-rock Mg, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions of Eastern Tianshan volcanic rocks. Table S1 introduces the detailed location of volcanic samples from Eastern Tianshan. Table S2 lists whole-rock major and trace elemental compositions for volcanic samples from Dananhu and Yamansu arcs in Eastern Tianshan. Table S3 shows whole-rock elemental and isotopic compositions for volcanic rocks from TLIP, global island arc, and Eastern China. Table S4 shows the parameters used for mixing and AFC model calculation.
China University of Geosciences Beijing
Geochemistry, Isotope