AllSyT: Model-based System Testing Using Alloy Specifications - Implementation Artefacts
AllSyT is a model-based system testing framework that automatically generates executable system tests based on system use cases, a simple domain model, and few supplementary models. This data set provides the implementation artefacts of the supporting tool of AllSyT and also the code for the case study of using AllSyT. Content: 1. AllSyT_emfToAlloy.tar.gz --- The Eclipse project providing the model transformation of EMF class digram into Alloy, using Xpand model-to-text transformation language. The transformation is used to transform the structural domain model (of the system under test) into Alloy specification language. 2. AllSyT_Tool&Case.tar.gz --- An Eclipse project providing the implementation of the supporting tool of AllSyT, including the DSLs, the test generator, the test execution engine, the test driver and the test harness code necessary to execute the test cases on the SUT. It also includes the code of the system under test in the main case study of using AllSyT in a real project. 3. Use AllSyT --- detailed description of using AllSyT for creating/generating test models. 4. AllSyT Internal DSL --- Documentation of AllSyT internal DSL used to model system operations.