Biological Control of Chilli Thrips on Roses with Banker Plants

Published: 12 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2v8wsyyjv4.1
Erich Schoeller


Ornamental pepper banker plants infested with either the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii or Amblydromalus limonicus were examined to determine if the use of banker plants could reducing populations of chilli thrips on double knock-out roses under greenhouse conditions. The use of banker plants for chili thrips management was compared with the direct application of mites to roses and predator-free controls. After two six-week studies, both mite species reduced populations of chilli thrips on roses to nearly undetectable levels (< 1 thrips/leaf) compared to predator-free controls. There was no difference in the mean number of thrips on rose leaves between the two mite species treatments using the banker plants. Direct application of A. swirskii resulted in poor control of chilli thrips on roses. This was not observed in the A. limonicus direct application treatment.


Steps to reproduce

Data text files formatted for running with SAS


Biological Pest Control
