Use of the Resources and Services of Dominican University Libraries by Teaching Researchers
The use of the resources and services of Dominican university libraries by research teachers is a topic that, as a central topic, its approach has aroused little interest among knowledge theorists who lead an academic, scientific and literary life in educational centers. higher education in the Dominican Republic, a situation that can be observed, is similar in the rest of the hemisphere given the scarce antecedents observed. The general objective of this work is to evaluate the use that research teachers make of the resources and services available in university libraries as support for research programs, specifically, it focuses on determining the level of knowledge and conceptualization that they have. research teachers in this subject, analyze the frequency of visits by them to the information units, as well as identify the factors that influence the interrelation between the research teacher and the university libraries.
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This is a descriptive-correlational type of research, in which a survey was applied as a work tool, using a basic questionnaire of twenty-eight questions as a capture instrument. For these purposes, a representative sample of forty-two units was selected, from a population of one hundred and six research professors belonging to three of the private universities in the city of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, National District, Dominican Republic; that carry out research and have been considered within the 2019 Web Ranking of Universities, reaching the first places for the indicated year, these are: PUCMM, INTEC and UNIBE. Based on a response rate of 86%, the data are presented and analyzed in tables and graphs, using statistical analysis software.