Data for: Emergence of Human Amygdala Functional Networks: 3 Months to 5 Years of Age
These are the structural and functional (resting-state) data used for the accompanying manuscript assessing the amygdala's functional connectivity development from 3 months to 5 years of age. Functional data are provided for the laterobasal (LB) subregion, the superficial (SF) subregion, and the whole amygdala (LB + SF subregions). Average connectivity (controlling for age) across this developmental period is given by the negative_tstat (for anticorrelated, negatively valenced connectivity) and positive_tstat (for positively valenced connectivity). Linear age-related changes are shown in the _age_ images (positive and negative changes in connectivity with increasing age). Nonlinear age-related changes are shown in the _logage_ images (positive and negative changes in connectivity with increasing age). All _masked_ images denote the thresholded maps corrected for family-wise error that are reported in the manuscript's results.