An observational study on 6-minute walk distance and its relationship with TCM Qi and blood status among Chinese older adults.

Published: 15 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2vyzx8jy7g.1
Zheng Sun,


This study proposes a hypothesis that an association between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Qi and blood status. This is an observational study on 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) and its relationship with TCM Qi and blood status among Chinese older adults.The sharing data included 6MWD, TCM Qi and blood scale scores, and other health information from 277 Chinese older adults. We observed that about 27% of Chinese older adults, including those with underlying diseases, exhibited reduced 6MWD, suggesting decreased CRF. Furthermore, 6MWD was significantly negatively linearly correlated with the TCM Qi and blood questionnaire scores, indicating an association between CRF and Qi and blood status. ROC analysis indicated that the TCM Qi and blood questionnaire score has potential clinical value in predicting abnormal 6MWD.



Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine, Older Adult, Cardiorespiratory


Jiangsu Commission of Health

