16S and 18S raw sequences - Effect of Odor Treatment Systems on Bioaerosol Microbial Concentration and Diversity from Wastewater Treatment Plants
Published: 25 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2w3zx64wyx.1
Arthur OuradouDescription
This data gathers the 16S and 18S raw sequences as received by the sequencing partner IBIS (Laval University, Quebec, Canada) obtained on the MiSeq platform (Illumina®, San Diego, California, USA) before processing with Mothur and visualizations with RStudio. These sequences were used in the article Effect of Odor Treatment Systems on Bioaerosol Microbial Concentration and Diversity from Wastewater Treatment Plants (Ouradou et al., 2023).
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Departement des Genies Civil Geologique et des Mines
Biodiversity, High-Throughput Sequencing, Wastewater, Biological Aerosols