Data for: Trends of sea-level rise effects on estuaries: A quali-quantitative synthesis in toward for a simple general model to estimate future saline intrusion in estuaries

Published: 10 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2w4g8vbd6j.1
Yuri Costa,


This dataset stores the data used to obtain the results (Table 1) and the scripts developed in R for each result. The table presented brings together the categories created from the articles retrieved in the search carried out for the systematic review. For more information read the methodology in the original paper.


Steps to reproduce

Open scripts in R and use Table 1 as a data source for the scripts.


Universidade Federal da Bahia


Estuary, Hydrodynamic Model, Digital Elevation Model, Systematic Review, Flood, Salinity Studies, Sea-Level Rise
