The possibility of the combination of OCT and fundus images for improving the diagnostic accuracy of deep learning for age-related macular degeneration: a preliminary experiment
Published: 13 October 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2wxnrd832j.1
TaeKeun YooDescription
This dataset is an upgraded version of the dataset used in the latter part of the article "The possibility of the combination of OCT and fundus images for improving the diagnostic accuracy of deep learning for age-related macular degeneration: a preliminary experiment" in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing volume 57, pages677–687(2019). Images including both OCT and matched fundus photograph was crawled from Google Image Search using keywords related to normal retina, drusen, AMD, and OCT. The dataset was built by harvesting images manually for normal and AMD categories. Finally, 59 normal eyes, 26 drusens, and 98 AMD eyes including both OCT and matched fundus images were obtained.
Aerospace Medical Center
Optical Coherence Tomography, Retinal Examination, Fundus Imaging, Multimodality Imaging