Tracing tumor evolution and subtype specification in pancreatic cancer
Published: 6 October 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2x6vz9r4ym.1
Tannishtha ReyaDescription
Data represents total raw recording of manually counted number of tdTomato+ (recombined cells) based on immunofluorescence images in islets, ducts, and acinar cell compartment in pancreas after 7 days of tamoxifen treatment in Msi2-CreER; R26-LSL-tdTomato mice (n = 3 independent mice).
Steps to reproduce
Pancreas from 3 independent biological replicates were stained and analyzed. At least 10 random high power field were imaged and recombined cells were counted to capture the overall representation of recombination event.
University of California San Diego
Evolutionary Biology, Pancreatic Cancer, Pancreas