Cesium partitioning between granitic melts and aqueous fluids: Is Cs in hydrothermal fluids an accurate proxy of the degree of fractionation of parental magmas?
Published: 5 November 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/2xkbpcy9cv.3
程明 温Description
This is the dataset of article "Cesium partitioning between granitic melts and aqueous fluids: Is Cs in hydrothermal fluids an accurate proxy of the degree of fractionation of parental magmas?"
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We synthesize silicate glasses to equalibrate with aqueous fluid in an externally-heated rapid quench molybdenum-hafnium carbide pressure vessel and analyze the product glasses to obtain the fluid-melt partition coefficient of Cs, Na and K. The fluid-melt partition coefficients of the other alkali elements are cited from previous studies
China University of Geosciences Beijing
Economic Geology, Geochemistry